Why every Web Developer should learn web accessibility (A11y)
Imagine trying to use a website and finding out it only works for 75% of it's users. Annoying right? Well that's what...
11 April 2022
One of my latest projects was to create a fixture component for a Bowls Club.
Building a site for a small sports club is never a simple feat. However I worked with St.Chads Bowls Club to create a brand new site. One of the features I wanted to implement was a fixture component which showcased their upcoming fixtures in a modern and visually pleasing way.
The only aspect I had to think about was how these fixtures were created.
Previously their site was on WordPress, and they used TablePress to convert a CSV into a Table, which they could them embed onto a page.
While this was fine, it wasn't responsive or visually appealing. It was also really difficult to read, with a lot of information being compressed into a table row.
Not only did this need a nicer design, I needed to think of a way to make sure the client could use a CSV to continue creating the fixtures.
Using Craft CMS I installed the following plugins
With both of these plugins I could create a structure for Fixtures and import all of the CSV data into individual entries using FeedMe, and then create an API of these using Element API.
Then I could get started on creating the fixture component!
With Element API creating an API Url is very simple. All I needed to do was create a config file called `element-api.php` and then return the new endpoint.
return [
'endpoints' => [
'api/bowls-fixtures.json' => function() {
return [
'elementType' => Entry::class,
'criteria' => [
'section' => 'fixtures',
'orderBy' => 'fixtureDate asc',
'offset' => 0,
'fixtureType' => fixtureType(),
'elementsPerPage' => -1,
'cache' => false,
'transformer' => function(Entry $entry) {
return [
'title' => $entry->title,
'monthYear' => date_format($entry->fixtureDate, 'F Y'),
'date' => date_format($entry->fixtureDate, 'M dS Y'),
'opponent' => $entry->opponent,
'competition' => $entry->competition,
'venue' => $entry->venue,
'rinks' => $entry->rinks,
'dress' => $entry->dress,
'time' => $entry->fixtureTime ? date_format($entry->fixtureTime, 'H:i') : 'TBC',
'type' => $entry->fixtureType,
'rinksUsed' => $entry->rinksUsed,
'shortMonth' => date_format($entry->fixtureDate, 'M'),
In regards to the criteria for the API, I wanted to make sure it was ordered by the fixture Date, and make sure only fixtures with a FixtureType were returned. This was done by adding the following function to the file, and the linking it to the API.
function fixtureType()
$param = Craft::$app->request->getQueryParam('type') ? : null;
if (!empty($param)) {
return $param;
Once this was built, I could access the API from the endpoint I'd created and then feed this into Vue.
created: function () {
let url = this.getUrl();
this.$http.get(url).then(function (response) {
this.fixtures = response.body.data;
This also used a custom method in which I called the API endpoint. As I wanted the user to be able to filter the fixtures based on types, I had to make sure this worked for other events as well.
getUrl: function (type) {
if (type && type !== "All-Games") {
return "/api/fixtures.json?type=" + type;
} else {
return "/api/fixtures.json";
The data within my Vue instance was simple, and consisted of the different types of fixtures, the default selected type and the fixtures themselves (which were populated by the API)
data: function () {
return {
types: [
index: "Mix",
value: "Mixed",
index: "M",
value: "Mens",
index: "L",
value: "Ladies",
index: "Outing",
value: "Outing",
typeSelected: "All Games",
fixtures: [],
I also wanted the user to be able to filter the fixtures by month. I was able to do this by getting the month from each fixture, and creating a computed property.
monthsList() {
const months = [];
this.fixtures.forEach((item) => {
if (!months.includes(item.shortMonth)) {
return months;
Using this data, and a few other methods (I can't give away all my secrets!) I was able to create a filterable fixture list which was more accessable, readable and modern.
You can see the end result on the St.Chads Bowls Website.
Imagine trying to use a website and finding out it only works for 75% of it's users. Annoying right? Well that's what...
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